April Updates: Media in comments, Instagram story metrics & more!

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We're thrilled to have rolled out our April updates, packed with exciting new features designed to make your social media management smoother and more powerful. Here’s what’s new:

🖼️ Media in Scheduled Comments

Elevate your engagement by adding media to scheduled comments, now also available for Twitter Threads! Keep those conversations rich and visually engaging.
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📝 Post Rejection Notes

Streamline your teamwork with clearer communication. Whenever a post is rejected, you'll find the reason added directly to your Vista Social calendar in the post-level notes. No more guessing games!
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📊 Instagram Story Metrics

Dive deeper into your Instagram Stories performance. Track replies, taps forward/back, and exits directly from your calendar. Optimize your stories with these insightful metrics!
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Other Notable Mentions

📱 Mobile Responsive Shared Calendars
Approval and collaboration are now easier on the go! Our shared calendars have gone mobile-responsive, ensuring you can keep up with your social media schedule from anywhere, anytime.

🔗 Direct Links to Posts
Foster better team collaboration with direct links to posts. Share a link that takes team members straight to the post in question on the Vista Social calendar—perfect for quick, contextual conversations outside Vista Social.

🤓 Titles for Smart Publishers
Organize like a pro! You can now add titles to your Smart Publishers for better labeling and sorting. Say hello to a tidier, more organized publishing flow.

Here’s a shoutout to the feature requests and feedback that contributed to this month's updates:

Add media to Twitter thread
Currently, I only see a way to add images/video to the first tweet in the Twitter thread. No way to add images to subsequent tweets. Hoping this feature will be added soon!

Mobile Responsive Shared Calendar
The goal with shared calendar is to share a link to posts without needing the client to login. It's not mobile responsive right now and we don't want to have them use the app because it will make them have to login.

Make each Post individualized link
The ability of making every post a individualized link. This is so its easier for the team to be able to communicate about post. Right now theres no direct means to share the exact post without describing it. There is inner post comments.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Vista Social!

What do you think about this update?